Machine Learning - Reinforcement Learning

In reinforcement learning we have an agent within an environement. The agent can perceive a state of the environment and can perform some actions that change the agents state in the environment. The goal is to find the optimal actions to reach some goal.

The agent is defined by “PEAS”.

  1. Performance
  2. Environment
  3. Actuators
  4. Sensors

Robot manipulates objects on a table:

  1. Performance: move object from one location to another
  2. Environment: table with objects
  3. Actuators: motor current
  4. Sensors: camera, tactile sensors, force sensors

Autonomous vehicle:

  1. Performance: trade of between reaching the goal fast and risking damage
  2. Environment: the street with other participants of traffic
  3. Actuators: steering, gas pedal
  4. Sensors: camera, GPS

Weak teacher

  • does not tell which action to choose in a certain situation explicitly
  • instead, a reward is given when a certain action is performed in a certain state (negative reward = punishment)
  • reward is delayed since the action is performed first, leading to a different state
  • aim: maximize cumulative reward obtained over a sequence of actions
  • rewards may be zero, i.e., no information is conveyed
  • limit case: no rewards on the way, only at the final state. The agent has to infer a sequence of actions from the final reward only
  • training: try to reach goal over and over with improving cumulative reward (a “playground” is provided)
  • active exploration of states and actions may be useful

Markov decision process

Restrict reinforcement learning to a Markov decision process:

  • agent performs transitions between discrete states from a finite set \(S\). So states can not have continuous parameterization, e.g., real values position
  • this implies discrete time t
  • the agent can choose one action at a time from a set of discrete actions A

At time \(t\) the agent is in state \(s_t\in S\) and chooses action \(a_t \in A\) which leads to receiving a reward \(r_t \in R\) and brings the agent into state \(s_{t+1}\). Training examples have the form \(((s, a), r)\) not \((s,a)\), i.e., information is conveyed by rewarding an action \(a\) performed in state \(s\), not by telling explicitly what action \(a\) to take in state \(s\).

Markov assumptions

  • successor state depends only in current state and current action, not earlier ones: \(s_{t+1} = \delta(s_t, a_t)\) (not \(s_{t+1} = \delta(s_t, s_{t-1}, ..., a_t, a_{t-1}, ...)\)) where \(\delta\) is the successor funtion
  • the same applies to the reward: \(r_t = r(s_t, a_t)\) where \(r\) is the reward function

The successor function \(\delta(s,a)\) and the reward function \(r(s,a)\) are most probably unkown to the agent and often non-deterministic.

Learning task

Execute actions and observe the results to learn an action policy: \(\pi: S\rightarrow A\) which yields for each state the action to be executed. To judge the success of the policy \(\pi\), a function \(V\) that values the obtained rewards is needed.

Naive approach for \(V\): \(V^\pi(s_t) = r_t + r_{t+1} + r_{t+1} + ... = \sum_{t' = t...\infty}r_{t'}\)

Here the problem is that if the afent does not reach a final state, the value may be infinite.


One idea to solve the previous problem is to introtode a finite “horizon” after \(N\) time steps: \(V^\pi(s_t) = \sum_{t' = t...N+t}r_{t'}\).

Problems of a “hard horizon”:

  • choice of \(N\) is diffiuclt
  • best action depends on horizon \(N\)
  • thus, the best action depends on time steps
  • the optimal policy is not stationary

A better solution is a “soft horizon”: \(V^\pi(s_t) = \sum_{t' = t...\infty}\gamma^{t'}r_{t'}\) with the discount factor \(0 < \gamma < 1\) for future rewards, i.e., rewards are less important the more they are in the future.


The aim is to find the optimal policy \(\pi^*\) that maximizes the evaluation function \(\forall s: \pi^* = argmax_\pi V^\pi(s)\). The corresponding maximum value \(V^{\pi^*}\) of the evaluation function is denoted by \(V^*\).

We want to learn \(\pi^*: S\rightarrow A\) but there are no training examples \((s,a)\), only \(((s,a), r)\) so instead of learning best actions for given states, an evaluation function must be learned.

The idea is to learn the evaluation function \(V^*\), because it tells that, e.g., a future state \(s\) yields higher cumulative rewards than future state \(s': V^*(s) > V^*(s')\). Since the agent can not choose among states but only among actions, it must infer the optimal action \(a^*\) from \(V^*\) by a look ahead search over all actions: \(a^*(s) = argmax_a[r(s,a) + \gamma V^*(\delta(s,a))]\) but actions can not be chosen this way since the agent does not know:

  • the successor function: \(\delta: SxA \rightarrow S\)
  • the reward function: \(r: SxA \rightarrow R\)

In principle, \(\delta\) and \(r\) can be learned in advance (without searching for optimal actions yet) by a complete search over the state space.

Q function

Define a new evaluation function: \(Q(s,a) = r(s,a) + \gamma V^*(\delta(s,a))\). By learning \(Q\) instead of \(V^*\), the agent can choose optimal actions without knowing \(\delta\): \(a^*(s) = argmax_a[r(s,a) + \gamma V^*(\delta(s,a))] = argmax_a Q(s,a)\).

But \(Q\) is based on \(\delta\) and \(r\), so where is the improvement? As the agent does not know \(\delta\) and \(r\) in advance, it must learn both from exploration. But it is not necessar to learn both explicitly (in seperation) and completely, it’s easier to learn the quantity \(Q\) instead.

Training rule for Q

Estimate training values for \(Q(s,a) = r(s,a) + \gamma V^*(\delta(s,a))\) by iterative approximation (Watkins 1989). Since \(V^*(s) = max_a Q(s,a)\), \(Q\) can be expressed withoud \(V^*\) recursively: \(Q(s,a) = r(s,a) + \gamma max_a Q(s,a)\). The learners estimate of the true \(Q\) will be denoted by \(q\). The intial estimates \(q(s,a)\) may be zero or random values. The update tule for the estimate is \(q(s,a) \leftarrow r + \gamma max_{a'}q(s', a')\) where \(s'\) is the state resulting from action \(a\) in state \(s\). It can be priven that q converges to \(Q\).

intitialize q-table of size |s|x|a| and set values to 0
s = current state
    a = selected action a
    execute a
    receive reward r
    s_new = new observed state
    update q-table(s,a) = r + gamma * max(q-table(s_new,a))
    s = s_new


  • when the agent moves forward from \(s\) to \(s'\), learning propagates the estimate backward from \(s'\) to \(s\), using the received reward \(r\) to improve the estimation
  • training proceeds in episodes: in each episode, the agent starts at some random state and acts until the (absorbing) goal state is reached
  • since all rewards are \(0\) except for transition to the gial state, the q-value will remain \(0\) until the goal state has been reached for the first time
  • then the non-zero reward for the goal transition will be propagated to the previous state
  • thus the goal reward will gradually spread from the goal throughout the other states over the spisodes, refining q ever more
  • convergence to \(Q\) requires non-negative rewards
  • simple strategy to choose actions: always choose action that maximizes \(q(s,a)\)
  • problem: agent will prefer good “paths” that have been found in the beginning of the training. Other regions of the state-action space may be neglected
  • alternative: probabilistic choice of actions, e.g., by choosing the next action according to the probability \(P(a_i\vert s)= k^{q(s, a_i)} / \sum_j k^{q(s,a_j)}\) where \(k>0\) is a constant that determines how strongly high q-values are favored.
  • thus the agent can explore the state-action space


  • RL enables an agent to learn actions to reach a goal
  • Q-learning is the most populat algorithm
  • q-table may be replaced by better means, e.g., a neural network
  • additional strategy for active exploration of state-action space necessary
  • generalization to non-deterministic case possible
  • numerous applications, e.g., in robotics or games