Machine Learning - Neural Networks

Computer vs. brain


  • fast sequential processing
  • high effort for parallelization to just a few processors
  • symbolic processing withoutn errors
  • no redundancy
  • due to lack of software, very bad at pattern recognition, learning, robot control etc.
  • progress in AI fields where symbolic formalism is available, e.g., data base management or games
  • adaptivity is iomplemented by software, not hardware


  • highly parallel: \(\sim 10^10\) neurons
  • \(10^4 - 10^5\) connections per neuron
  • slow: neuron switching time \(\sim 1\)msec
  • scene recognition in \(\sim 0.1\)sec \(\rightarrow\) only \(\sim 100\) sequential steps, but highly parallel
  • high redundancy: death of neuron is compensated by others
  • high plasticity of hardware
  • very good at tasks such as pattern recognition, robot control etc.
  • surprisingly bad at symbolic computation \(\rightarrow\) high bias for the above tasks!

Idea of Neuroinformatics: mimic neural principles by software!

Neurons: What we learn from neurobiology:

  • neurons have many inputs but only one output
  • firing rate of neurons codes its activity
  • activity is increased when the neurons gets input from other neurons via axons
  • the input from the axons is weighted differently by the synapses
  • a neuron has a nonlinear activation function: below a treshold, it will fire little, then there is an increase of its firing with the input, then saturation is reached
  • best modeled by a sigmoid activation function

Formal neurons The basic neuron model used in Neuroinformatics is a ver simple abstraction of the neurobiological findings! It consists of a \(d\) input and one input. Also every input \(x_i\) is weighted by a weight \(w_i\). Also there exists a bias input which is alwas 1 and also has a weight. All these inputs are summed as such: \(s = \sum_{i=1...d} w_i x_i + w_{bias}\). This summed input is passed through a activation function such as a sigmoid.

Activation functions:

  • Fermi function
  • tanh
  • grossberg’s function
  • thresholding function
  • sigmoid
  • linear
  • relu

Types of learning

  • Unsupervised learning
    • no teacher, examples are unlabeled
    • effect of learning is coded in learning rules
  • Supervised learning
    • teacher who labels examples and thereby provides knowledge
    • learning is directed at mapping input part (e.g., stimulus) of the examples to the label as an output (e.g. class)
  • Reinforcement learning
    • “weak teacher:” agent tries to reach a goal and the teacher tells the agent wether the has been reached (by providing reward)
    • the agent has to find the way by itself as reward is not immediate
  • Selfsupervised learning
    • can be seen as mixture between unsupervised and supervised learning
    • learns in two steps, intializes weights with pseudo labels and then contiues supervised or unsupervised
    • gaining in popularity as there is so much unlabeled data

Hebbian learning

Formulated in 1949 by Donald Hebb. It is one of the first ideas how learning can arise in neurons or neural networks based on a simple mechanism.

Formula: \(\Delta w_{ij} = \eta * a_i * a_j\) can also be written as \(\Delta\vec{w} = \eta * y(\vec{x} \vec{w})\vec{x}\) for all incoming weights of a neuron.

  • \(\Delta w_{ij}\) - change of weight \(w_{ij}\) connecting neuron j with neuron i
  • \(\eta\) - learning rate
  • \(a_i\) - activation of neuron i
  • \(a_j\) - activation of neuron j which is connected to neuron i

Limit weight growth

One problem with this is, that since weights never decrease, they become arbitrarily large. There are several solutions to this:

  • decay term: \(\Delta w_{ij} = \eta * a_i * a_j - \lambda * w_{ij}\)
  • dynamic normalization \(\Delta w_{ij} = \eta * a_i * a_j - \lambda * w_{ij} * (w_{ij}^2 - 1)\)
  • explicit normalization \(w_{ij}^{new} = (w_{ij}^{old} + \Delta w_{ij}) / \vert w_{ij}^{old} + \Delta w_{ij}\vert\)
  • Oja’s rule (Erkii Oja, 1982) uses weight decay \(\sim y^2\): \(\Delta \vec{w} = \eta * y(\vec{x}\vec{w})(\vec{x} - y(\vec{x}\vec{w})*\vec{w})\)

Effect of Heeb’s rule for a pair of neurons

The connection between two neurons, represented by the weight of the postsynaptic neuron, will increase during training until an equilibrium with the decay term is reached. Then, the weight is proportional to the correlation of the activity of the neurons.

Effect of Hebb’s rule on the weight vector

Averaged over many learning steps with small variance and data which leads to our activation to remain within the linear range of our activation function (so that it can be approximated by a linear function) holds: \(<\Delta \vec{w}> = \eta <(\vec{x}\vec{x}^T)>\vec{w} = \eta C \vec{w}\)


For \(t \rightarrow \infty\) the weight vector converges to the eigenvector of \(C\) with the largest eigenvalue. Similar to PCA hebbian learning finds the largest PCs.

Habituation and Anti-Hebb rule

What happens when we modify Hebb’s rule to an Anti-Hebb rule \(\Delta \vec{w} = - \eta y(\vec{x}^T\vec{w})\vec{x}\)?

  • as \(\vec{w}\) becomes orthogonal to a repeated stimulus \(\vec{x}\), this stimulus no longer leads to activation of the neuron since \(\vec{x}\vec{w}=0\)
  • \(\vec{w}\) filters out new stimuli
  • if several stimuli \(\vec{x_1}, \vec{x_2}, ..., \vec{x_n}\), \(n < d\), are presented repeatedly, only the \(\vec{w}\)-component orthogonal to \(span\{\vec{x_1}, \vec{x_2}, ..., \vec{x_n}\}\) remains
  • so only stimuli \(\vec{x}\in V\) with \(V \perp span\{\vec{x_1}, \vec{x_2}, ..., \vec{x_n}\}\) can “pass” the filter, i.e., activate the neuron.

Extracting more PCs using Hebb’s rule

So far: a single Hebb-neuron extracts \(\vec{v_1}\). To extract more principal components from \(D\), there are two ways:



  • unsupervised learning by a simple rule to modify the weights of a single neuron
  • motivation: classical conditioning
  • Hebb-neuron learns association of stimuli from correlation
  • weight vector directs itself in the direction of the principal component of the data distribution with largest eigenvalue
  • Anti-Hebb rule implements habituation, weight vector becomes orthogonal to all repeated stimuli thus new stimuli can be filtered out
  • PCA is possible by a chain of Hebb neurons, where earlier neurons filter PCs of large eigenvalues out of the input for the training of the later neurons
  • chain can be trained either successively or all at once using a combination of the Hebb rule with lateral anti Hebb rule


It’s pratical use is limited, but the perceptron is the building block of the multiplayer perceptron.

The perceptron is trained iteratively using labeled data set \(D = \{(\vec{x}^n, \vec{t}^n)\}\), \(\vec{x}^n\in \Re^d\), where \(t^n\) is the target value (i.e., the label, class, etc. provided by the teacher) for input \(\vec{x}^n\).

Training rule

\(\Delta \vec{w} = \eta (t - y) \vec{x}\), \(\eta\) is a small learning rate. Convergence can be shown if \(\eta\) is sufficently small and if the task is solvable by a perceptron. The perceptrin can represent the hypotheses space \(\{\vec{w} \vert \vec{w} \in \Re^{d+1}\}\). The “decision surface” represented by a perceptrin is de \(d-1\) dimensional hyperplace orthogonal to \(\vec{w}\). Data on the “positive side” of the hyperplace with \(\vec{x}\vec{w}>0\) get \(y=1\), the rest \(0\).

Class seperability

The data must be linearly seperable, i.e., the two classes must be on the two sides of a hyperplace. If the data goes through the hyperplace, a nonlinear seperatrix is required!

Convergence speed

Provided classes are linearly seperable, there are still easy and difficult seperation tasks. A small hypothesis space requires more training steps until convergence is achieved.

Logic operations

A perceptrin with two boolean inputs (and the 1-component) can implement AND, OR, NAND and NOR but not XOR

The XOR-problem can be solved b “distortion” of the input space to obtain a “feature space” , i.e., a nonlinear transform \(\vec{f(\vec{x})}\) of the inputs. Alternatively, \(x_3 = x_1 * x_2\) can be added as antother input channel.

Learning rule from error function

The learning rule can be derived from minimizing the mean square error: \(E[\vec{w}] = 1/2 \sum_{i=1...\vert D\vert}(t^i - y(\vec{x^i}))^2\)

Gradient descent: \(\Delta\vec{w} = -\eta \sum_{i=1...\vert D\vert}(t^i - y(\vec{x^i}))(-\vec{x^i})\)

Stochastic approsimation: \(\Delta\vec{w} = -\eta (\vec{t^i} - y(\vec{x^i}))\vec{x^i}\)

Batch mode and incremental mode

The stochastic approximation is also called incremental mode (in contrast to batch mode):

Batch Mode:

\[\Delta\vec{w} = \eta \sum_{i=1...\vert D\vert}(t^i - y(\vec{x^i}))\vec{x^i}\]

Gradient descent with respect to the entire training set \(D\).

Incremental mode:

\[\Delta\vec{w} = -\eta (\vec{t^i} - y(\vec{x^i}))\vec{x^i}\]

Gradient descent with respect to only ine example \((\vec{x^i}, \vec{t^i})\) at a time. For sufficently small \(\eta\), incremental gradient descent can be shown to approximate batch gradient descent arbitratily close.


  • simple supervised learning rule for a single neuron
  • learning rule can be derived from mean squre error function
  • convergence proven
  • large margin between linearly seperable classes leaves many possible weight vector (large hypothesis space), so the task is easier and convergence is faster
  • can only sole linearly seperable tasks
  • most famous example for nonlinear two-class seperation is XOR
  • XOR can not be solved by perceptrin except with highly problem specific add-ons (this led to a temporary drop in the interest in ANN)

Multilayer Perceptron

The idea is to solve nonlinear seperation tasks with non linear seperatices and with class coering disjoint areas by combining several perceptrons. In addition it is possible to generate several outputs.


  • Input layer with one neuron for each component of the input vector \(\vec{x}\). The input “neurons” do nothing but represent the input.
  • at least one hidden layer
  • hidden layers may have different numbers of neurons
  • number of output neurons is dimensioanlity of the output vector \(\vec{y}\)
  • feed forward achitecture: only connections from layer \(k\) to layer \(i\) with \(k < i\)
  • generaliuzation to a directed graph: conncetions skipping layers are allowed. This case is not consided here since such can be represented by additional linar neurons

Linear actiovation function would not do, since a succession of linear transforms (represented by the layers) can be replaced by a single linear transform \(\rightarrow\) use sigmoid activation function \(\sigma\).

  • step function enforces a “decision”
  • soft step required because backpropagation algorithm needs differentiablity
  • squashing: maps the incoming information to a much smaller range


Error signal

Output layer:
For \(i=1...N(L_H+1)\): \(\delta_i{L_H+1} = \sigma'(s_i) * (t_i - y_i(\vec{x})\)

Hidden layers:
For \(i=1...N(k)\): \(\delta_i(k) = \sigma'(s_i(k)) * \sum_{j=1...N(k+1)}w_{ji}(k+1, k)\delta_j(k+1)\)

Weight update

To compute the new weight add \(\Delta w_{ji}(k+1, k) = \eta \delta_j(k+1)o_i(k)\) to the old weight.

  • a weight of neuron \(j\) is adaped in proportion to
    • the activation of the neuron in the previous layer to which it is connected
    • the weighted errors it causes at the outputs
  • the complex scheme is necessary sinec target values are available only for the outputs, not the neurons in the hidden layers
  • the backpropagation algorithm performs a stochastic approximation to gradient descent for the error function \(E\) (based on one sample at a time)
  • minimization
    • is computationally expensive
    • suffers from numerous local minima
    • is difficult to terminate: achieve good minimization without overfitting

Local minima

Two (of many) ways to avoid local minima: Repeat: Training with different random initial weights in the hope minimization is caught in different basins of attraction

Annealing: Add noise, e.g., every \(n\) learning steps: \(w_{ji}(k+1, k) \leftarrow w_{ji}(k+1, k) + T \zeta_{ji}(k+1, k)\) where \(\zeta\) is a Gaussian random variable with \(<\zeta> = 0\) and \(\zeta_{ji}(k+1, k)\) are pairwise uncorrelated. \(T\) is the “temperature”, denoting the amount of noise added. \(T\) is gradually decreased during training. Annealing improves minimization but requires more learning steps.

Step size adaption: Increade \(\eta\) in flat regions and decrease \(\eta\) in steep terrain. Step size adaption:

if \(\Delta E<0 \rightarrow \eta(t) = \eta^+ * \eta(t-1), \eta^+ > 1\)
if \(\Delta E>0 \rightarrow \eta(t) = \eta^- * \eta(t-1), \eta^- < 1\)

Momentum: The problem is that minimization stops at minor minima because of too small \(\eta\). In valleys of \(E\) oscillation may occur due to too large \(\eta\). Both of these problems are solved by adding momentum: \(\Delta w_{ji}(k+1, k)(t) = \eta \delta_j(k+1) o_i(k) + \alpha \Delta w_{ji}(k+1, k)(t-1)\) where t is a step counter. So direction of step \(t-1\) is kept to some degree (controlled by \(\alpha > 0\)). Momentum avoids abrupt changes of direction and increases effective step size in flat regions.

Weight decay: Overly large weights are problematic since they make neurons too sensitive to the input (leads to “binary” activations). That’s why we add an additional quadratic **regularization’’ term in the error function to avoid to large weights. \(E[\{w\}] = 1/2 \sum_{i=1...\vert D\vert} (t^i - y(x^i))^2 + \beta/2 \sum_{w \in \{w\}}w^2\). This leads to linear weight decay in the learning rule \(\Delta w_{ji}(k+1, k) = \eta \delta_j(k+1)o_i(k) - \beta w_{ji}(k+1, k)\)

Funahashi, 1989: An arbitrary bounded contunous mapping \(\vec{w} \rightarrow \vec{t}\), \(\vec{x} \in \Re^{d_{in}}\), \(\vec{t}\in\Re^{d_{out}}\) can be approximated with arbitrary precision with one hidden layer with sigmoid actiation functions and a layer with linear output functions. The latter is necessary to map the range of \(\sigma\) to arbitrary values.

Cybenko, 1988: Add another sigmoid hidden layer, so any function can be approximated with arbitrary precision.

But the hidden layer may be very large and is possibly not the most efficient representation of the mapping!

The reason why an MLP can approximate an aebitrary function using two hidden layers with sigmoid activation is that:
Layer 1 defines hyperplanes, dividing input space into half-planes.
Layer 2 defines ANDs over hyperplaces and thus convex areas.
Layer 3 defindes ORs over convex areas.


  • MLP is the ANN most well known and has most widespread use in industry
  • very borad range of applications for function approximation, in particular, classiofication
  • hidden layer representations may lead to new insight into the data
  • training is difficult:
    • suitable architecture must be found
    • suitable parameters must be found
    • local optima must be avoided

Neural architectures

Neural networks can be wired in highly complex ways. Given \(N\) neurons, let \(w_{ik}\) be the weight from neuron \(k\) to neuron \(i\). Note \(i\) and \(k\) are now numbers of neurons, not numbers of inputs on a particular neuron.

The \(NxN\) matrix \(w\) is called connectivity matrix. It comprises the complete wiring information of the ANN, defining a directed graph. There are different special cases of connectivit matrices.

  1. Fully connected net:
    • each neuron has connections to all other neurons
    • highly complex dynamics
  2. Sparsely connected net:
    • only few non-zero elements
    • both forward and backward coupling
    • some statements about dynamics are possible
  3. Diagonal matrix:
    • \(w_{ii} \neq 0\), \(w_{ik} = 0\) for \(i=k\)
    • \(N\) isolted neurons withoud connections
    • each neuron has only a connection to itself
  4. Tridiagonal matrix:
    • chain of \(N\) neurons
    • each neuron has both forward and backward coupling to its neighbors
    • only local couplings
  5. Lower triangular matrix
    • \(w_{ik} = 0\) for \(i \leq k\)
    • feedforward network (provided index grows in “forward” direction, e.g., from input to output)
    • architecture type of the MLP
    • no recurrency
    • diagonal is \(0 \rightarrow\) no self-coupling of neurons
  6. Upper triangular matrix (theoretical):
    • only backward coupling
    • re-numbering \(\rightarrow\) feedforward network
  7. Block diagonal matrix:
    • three seperate networks
    • each network is fully connected
  8. Block diagonal matrix, sparse rest of matrix
    • three networks sparsely connected to each other
    • forward connection from first to third net (in the sense of neuron numbers)
    • backward connections \(3\rightarrow 2\) and \(2\rightarrow 1\)
  9. Symmetrix matrix:
    • \[w_{ik} = w_{ki}\]
    • Hopfield network
    • dynamics cinverges to a point attractor

Recurrent networks

In contrast to normal feedforward networks that have zero weights in the upper triangle of the connectivity matrix, recurrent networks have non-zero weights in the lower and upper triangle which means that there are cycles.

Recurrent networks are dynmical systems that can only be used by defining dynamics. The state of the system is the vector comprising all neuron activations. It varies over time. There are two ways of defininf the dynamics:

  1. continous time \(\rightarrow\) description as a sstem of differential equations
  2. discrete time steps:
    • synchonous updating: all neurons within a single time setep (provided the previous state)
    • asynchronous updating: select one neuron randomly, update

Note the above refers to abstract neurons, not spiking neuron models.