Machine Learning - Modelling Uncertainy

There is several reasons why environments may be uncertain:

  • environment is only partially observable
  • sensors are unreliable
  • the results of actions are uncertin
  • high complexity

We deal with uncertainty using probabilities of propositions. Alternative: Model uncertainty using probalbilites of rules such as: \(LawnSprinkler \vert\rightarrow_0.99 WetGrass\), \(WetGras \vert\rightarrow_0.7 Rain\).

Probabilities summarize several factors:

  • missing knwoledge
  • incapability to devise complete models of complex domains
  • chance

Random variables

  • modeling uncertainty using random variables
  • types of random variable:
    • Boolean random variable:
      • e.g. \(Cavity\) (Is there a cavit in my tooth?)
      • Values: \(<true, false>\)
    • Discrete random variable
      • e.g. \(Weather\) has one of the values \(<sun, rain, cloudy, snow>\)
      • values must describe the domain sufficiently and be mutually exclusive
    • Continous random variable
      • values are real numbers
      • e.g. \(Length \in [1, 20]\)


  • a proposition is made by assigning a value to a random variable:
    • \[Weather = sun\]
    • \[Length = 2.4\]
  • complex propositions are made by using logical operators to connect simple propositions: \(Weather = sun \vee Cavity = false\)
  • notation:
    • random variables with capital: \(Weather\), but values: \(sun\)
    • but: \(cavity\) means \(Cavity = true\); \(\neg cavity\) means \(Cavity = false\); \(sun\) means \(Weather = sun\)

Atomic events

A complete specification of the state of the domain (the agent may be uncertain about the state). For example if the domain is fully descibed by the boolean variables \(Cavity\) and \(Toothache\) then there are 4 atomic events.

Atomic events are mutually exclusive and describe the domain completely.

Probability distribution

  • A-priori or unconditional probabilities of propositions: \(P(Cavity=true)=0.1\) or \(P(Weather=sum)=0.72\) denote the probability of guesses. The probabilities may change when new information becomes available.
  • the probability distribution \(P\) comprises the probabilities of all values: \(P(Weather)=<0.72, 0.1, 0.08, 0.1>\) for values \(<sun, rain, cloudy, snow>\)
  • \(P\) is normalized, ie., sum = 1
  • Joint probability distribution for several random variables comprises all atomic states \(P(Weather, Cavity)\) is a 4x2 matrix
  • the joint probability distribution holds the entire knowledge about the domain!

Conditional probability

  • conditional or posterior probability: \(P(cavity\vert toothache)=0.8\), i.e., the information \(toothache\) is known
  • notation for conditional distributions: \(P(Cavity\vert Toothache)\) 2-component vector
  • if the additional information \(cavity\) is known: \(P(cavity\vert Toothache, cavity)=<1, 1>\)
  • additional information may be irrelevant: \(P(cavity\vert toothache, sun)=P(cavity\vert toothache)=0.8\) or more general: \(P(Cavity\vert Toothache, sun)=P(Cavity\vert Toothache)\)
  • domain knowledge of this kind facilitates finding the joint probability distribution
  • definition of conditional probability: \(P(a\vert b)=P(a \wedge b)/P(b)\) uf \(P(b) > 0\)
  • product rule is an alternative formulation: \(P(a \wedge b) = P(a\vert b)P(b)=P(b\vert a)P(a)\)
  • general version for distributions: \(P(Weather, Cavity) = P(Weather\vert Cavity)P(Cavity)\). This means 4 x 2 seperate equations, not matrix multiplication

Chain rule (derived by successive application of product rule): \(P(X_1,....,X_n)=\Pi_{i=2^n}P(X_i\vert X_1,...,X_{i-1})P(X_1)\)

Inference by enumeration



\(A\) and \(B\) are indendent if and only if \(P(A\vert B)=P(A)\) or \(P(B\vert A)=P(B)\). With this, the product rule leads to \(P(A, B)=P(A\vert B)P(B)=P(A)P(B)\)

Conditional Independence

Consider \(P(Toothache, Cavity, Catch)\), which has \(2^3 - 1 = 7\) independent proabilities. Miind \(Catch\) is not independent of \(Toothache\): In general \(P(Catch\vert Toothache) \neq P(Catch)\). Rather, \(P(Catch)\) does depend on the value of \(Toothache\) - it’s far more likely finding a cavity provided there is \(toothache\). But this holds only as long as the value of \(Cavity\) is unknown.

Assume that:

  1. for \(Cavity = true\) the probability that the dentist finds the cavity does not depend on whether there is toothache or not \(P(Catch\vert Toothache, cavity) = P(Catch\vert cavity)\)
  2. for \(Cavity = false\) the probabilit for a catch is independent of \(Toothache\) likewise $$P(Catch\vert Toothache, \neg cavity)=P(Catch\vert\neg cavity)

Summarizing 1 and 2, \(Catch\) is conditionally indendent of \(Toothache\) given the value of \(Cavity\): \(P(Catch\vert Toothache, Cavity) = P(Catch\vert Cavity)\). Likewise, \(Toothache\) is conditionally indendent of \(Catch\) given \(Cavity\): \(P(Toothache\ Catch, Cavity) = P(Toothache\vert Cavity)\)