Machine Learning - Classification

Classification is the assigning of a class to data based on their attributes. Attributes are represented by feature vector \(\vec{x}\in\Re^d\). The output is either a natural number \(c(\vec{x}) \in C \subset N\) assigned to the \(\vert C\vert\) different classes or alternatively, there are \(\vert C\vert\) real values functions \(c_1(\vec{x})....c_{\vert C\vert}(\vec{x})\), each of which is the “confidence” that belongs to the class. The \(c_i\) are called discriminant functions, The output is \(c(\vec{x}) = argmax_i c_i(\vec{x})\), \(c(\vec{x}) \in C\).

Bayes classifier:

Classify an input \(\vec{x}\) such that the expected cost is minimized! That is, choose output class \(c\) such that \(P(x\vert\vec{x}) = N*P(\vec{x}\vert c) * P(c)\) is maximized, where:

  • \(P(\vec{x}\vert c)\) is the probability that class \(c\) has feaures \(\vec{x}\)
  • \(P(c)\) is the a priori probability of class \(c\)
  • \(N\) is the normalization factor

The probability densities \(P(\vec{x}\vert c)\), and sometimes also \(P(c)\), are not known explicitly but need to be estimated from the data.

Two strategies:

  1. estimate \(P(\vec{x}\vert c)\) and - if necessar - \(P(c)\) from the data, then apply original Bayes classifiert. May require a lot of effort and more information than necessary to obtain the classifiert (because a classifier needs information to derive decision boundaries, not necessarily the complete densities)
  2. construct an approximation to the Bayes classifiert directly from the data

Euclidean classifier

Discriminant is found from the centers of mass of the classes: \(R(\vec{x}) = \vec{w} * \vec{x}\) with \(\vec{w} = <\vec{x^+}> - <\vec{x^-}\)

  • linear separatrix, explicit representation
  • not local
  • very fast “training”
  • no parameters
  • sensitive to far outliers

Linear discriminant analysis

Quadratic classifier

Polynom classifier

Nearest neighbor classifier

Support vector machine

Support vector machine (SVM) is one of the most popular classifiers.


  1. SVM computes a hyperplace (linear seperatrix)
    • based on the examples (support vectos) close to the class boundary
    • such that the margin is maximized
    • slack variables allow to deal with outliers to avoid overfitting
  2. to solve nonlinear problems, the kernel trick is used
    • project data into a space of higher dimension
    • for sufficently high dimension, every problem becomes (linearly) seperable by a hyperplane
    • the projection of this hyperplane of this hyperplane back to the original data space is a nonlinear speratrix

Binary classification: The SCM represents a hyperplace \(\vec{w} * \vec{x} - b = 0\) where \(\vec{w}\) is the normal to the hyperplace and \(b/{\vert\vec{w}\vert}\) is its offset from the origin. For a linealy seperable problem, the SVM selects \(\vec{w}\) and \(b\) such that the seperatrix is in the middle of the margin. An extension provides a way to deal with outliers that disturb linear separability.

To apply the SVM to not linearly seperable problems, map the data from the orginal input space (\(\vec{x}\in\Re^d\)) to a higher dimensional space \(H\) where it becomes linearly seperable.
The problem with this is:

  • for more input dimensions, the mapping \(\Re^d \rightarrow H\) using, e.g., polynomials becomes huge
  • mapping causes high effort Solution by the kernel trick:
  • fortunately, the SVM procedure to find the optimal hyperplace within the margin only requires the inner product of vectors \(\vec{x_a} * \vec{x_b}\), not the vectors themselves
  • thus only the inner products need to be computed in \(H\)
  • this can be done without actually computing the representation of \(\vec{x_a} * \vec{x_b}\) in \(H\)
  • instead, the inner product of \(\vec{x_a}\) and \(\vec{x_b}\) in \(H\) can be computed directly in the original input space using a kernel function \(K\) as \(K(\vec{x_a}, \vec{x_b})\)

Random forests


  • decision trees are easy to build and easy to use
  • drawback: overfitting, often due to
    1. ill chosen examples (noise, outliers)
    2. ill chosen features (at least for some of the examples)
  • idea: “average out” overfitting by
    1. a “gag of trees” = “forest” approach
    2. a “bag of features” approach
  • averaging is over the models, not the data
  • thus the variance of classification is reduced

A random forest is a collection of uncorrelated decision trees. We get different uncorrelated trees by creating random subsets of \(D\). These may overlap. From subset \(D_0, D_1, ...\) we create decision trees \(T_0, T_1, ...\). The forest is random insofar as the training sets are random. Right now we are bagging trees but we would like to improve this by bagging the features.

Classic way of building up decision tree:

A = the "best" decision feature for next node, chosen out of all features
assign A as decision attribute for node
for each value of A:
    create new descendant of node
sort training examples to leaf nodes
if training examples are perfectl classified:
    iterate over new leaf nodes

Feature bagging:

A = the "best" decision feature for next node, chosen out of a random subset of all features
assign A as decision attribute for node
for each value of A:
    create new descendant of node
sort training examples to leaf nodes
if training examples are perfectl classified:
    iterate over new leaf nodes

THe main advanteage of feature bagging is that the influence of features with extreme predictive power is reduced.

Each tree yields a classification for input \(\vec{x}\), \(T_0(\vec{x}), T_1(\vec{x}), ...\). The class the majority of trees votes for is the output of the forest!


  • very simple algorithm
  • very small number of parameters
  • both training and application are well suited for parallelization
  • very popular for applications
  • concerning performance, random forests are said to be the second best to deep learning


  • classification is one of the most important ML tasks
  • classifierts differ with respect to many criteria, the most important of which is the shape, “flexibility” and representation of the separatices
  • SVMs are popular classifierts, along with (deep) MLPs. Numerous implementations exist
  • currently, deep learning approaches dominate competitions. In practice, Random Forests appear to be superior as they are simple and easy to use
  • success of classification depends very much on the choice of suitable features from the problem. As a rule of thumb, features are more important than the classifier.